×  These songs are split into two different channels. The left channel contains the original artist's track with all the music. The right channel contains the original artist's track without the drums. Please listen to a few of the song samples below to hear how the channels are split.

The two channels (with drums / without drums) from each song cannot be purchased separately. Thank you.
Updated 8-13-24

Welcome to Drumless Split Songs ~~~

For over 30 years, I have offered my drum students at the Boulder Drum Studio the ability to practice songs by splitting them into two different channels.  The left channel contains the original artist's track with all the music.  The right channel contains the original artist's track without the drums.

Note: The two channels (with drums / without drums) from each song cannot be purchased separately.

Sample: Clicking on each split song will play a sample for 45 seconds.

Purchase: Clicking on the "Buy" button will add the entire split song to the PayPal cart.  From there you can purchase your split song or continue shopping by adding additional split songs to the cart. NOTE: Songs will be sent to you either via your PayPal e-mail or the one you include if paying by credit card.

Buy 5 get 1 FREE: For every 5 split songs you purchase, you receive 1 for free!  After checkout, simply reach out to us via our contact page and let us know which song you'd like us to send you. NOTE: Please include the name associated with your paid order.

Uses: Over time, and with a little practice, the drummer can pan over to the channel without the drums and just play along with the drumless track.  If you have some recording gear, the drummer can also record his own drums along with the drumless track.

Another cool thing these tracks offer is the ability to perform music for friends, etc.  When wearing headphones you can listen to both tracks while only sending the drumless track to your PA system.  This is also great for student recitals.

FYI: Mixing these two tracks can be time consuming and at times quite difficult.  With luck, it can sometimes take a half hour to complete a successful mix.  Other times it can take a few hours to get it just right.  Good thing I have patience and love what I do !!!


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